Below are a list of self-care concepts which include a definition and research benefits. The inclusion criteria for a concept are as follows: 1) each concept fits the definition of self-care, and 2) each concept had a fair amount of reputable peer-reviewed scientific evidence linked to improve well-being.


ACCEPTANCE: embracing yourself and experiences without judgment or defense


Reduces anxiety and depressive symptoms

-Bussell VA, & Naus MJ (2010). A longitudinal investigation of coping and posttraumatic growth in breast cancer survivors. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28, 61–78.

-Andrew T. Gloster, Noemi Walder, Michael E. Levin, Michael P. Twohig, Maria Karekla (2020),” The empirical status of acceptance and commitment therapy: A review of meta-analyses”, Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science,18, 181-19.

-Peters M, Goedendorp M, Verhagen S, van der Graaf WTA, & Bleijenberg G (2014). Exploring the contribution of psychosocial factors to fatigue in patients with advanced incurable cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 23, 773–779. 

Linked to greater sense of happiness

-Hanson, R; 2009; Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom; New Harbinger Publications; Oakland, CA.

May become more mindful

-Williams, M; Teasdale, J; Segal, Z; Kabat-Zinn, J; 2007; The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness; The Guilford Press; New York, NY.

Fosters sense of connectedness

-S.M. Graham, J.Y. Huang, M.S. Clark, V.S. Helgeson (2008), V Psychology Bulletin, 34 (3) (pp. 394-406.

-E.L. Deci, R.M. Ryan Autonomy and need satisfaction in close relationships: Relationships motivation theory Human motivation and interpersonal relationships, Springer, Dordrecht (2014), pp. 53-73.

Improves the feeling that people are being themselves

-M.F. Lynch, J.G. La Guardia, R.M. Ryan On being yourself in different cultures: Ideal and actual self-concept, autonomy support, and well-being in China, Russia, and the United States The Journal of Positive Psychology, 4 (4) (2009), pp. 290-304.

EXERCISE: a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive and has as a final or an intermediate objective to improve or maintain physical fitness

FAMILY:  group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption


Shapes and improves well-being across the course of life

-Thomas et al,. (2017), “Family Relationships and Well-Being”, Innovation in Aging, 1(3).

-Merz E.-M., Consedine N. S., Schulze H.-J., & Schuengel C (2009). Well-being of adult children and ageing parents: Associations with intergenerational support and relationship quality. Ageing & Society, 29, 783–802.

-Umberson D., & Montez J. K (2010). Social relationships and health: A flashpoint for health policy. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51, S54–S66.

Provides a greater sense of meaning, purpose and self-worth

-Kawachi I., & Berkman L. F (2001). Social ties and mental
health. Journal of Urban Health Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 78, 458–467.

-Hartwell S. W., & Benson P. R (2007). Social integration: A conceptual overview and two case studies. In Avison W. R., McLeod J. D., & Pescosolido B. (Eds.), Mental health, social mirror (pp. 329–353). New York: Springer.

-Symister P., & Friend R (2003). The influence of social support and problematic support on optimism and depression in chronic illness: A prospective study evaluating self-esteem as a mediator. Health Psychology, 22, 123–129.

Provide social support and helps reduce stress

-Thoits P. A. (2010). Stress and health: Major findings and policy implications. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51, S41–S53.

Increases self-esteem

-Fukukawa Y., Tsuboi S., Niino N.,Ando F., Kosugi S., & Shimokata H (2000). Effects of social support and self-esteem on depressive symptoms in Japanese middle-aged and elderly people. Journal of Epidemiology, 10, 63–69. 

Associated with better mental and physical health

-Carr D., & Springer K. W (2010). Advances in families and health research in the 21st century. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72, 743–761. 

-Seeman T. E., Singer B. H., Ryff C. D., Love G. D., & Levy-Storms L (2002). Social relationships, gender, and allostatic load across two age cohorts. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64, 395–406.

-Symister P., & Friend R (2003). The influence of social support and problematic support on optimism and depression in chronic illness: A prospective study evaluating self-esteem as a mediator. Health Psychology, 22, 123–129.

HUMILITY: freedom from pride or arrogance: the quality or state of being humble


Linked to improving professional & academic performance

-Ownes, P. Bradley, Hekman, R. David (2012), “Modeling How to Grow: An Inductive Examination of Humble Leader Behaviors, Contingencies, and Outcomes”, Academy of Management Journal, 55(4).

-Megan K. Johnson, Wade C. Rowatt, Leo Petrini, A new trait on the market: Honesty–Humility as a unique predictor of job performance ratings, Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 50, Issue 6, 2011, 857-862.

-Wade C. Rowatt, Christie Powers, Valerie Targhetta, Jessamy Comer, Stephanie Kennedy & Jordan Labouff (2006) Development and initial validation of an implicit measure of humility relative to arrogance, The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1:4, 198-211.

Are more helpful

-Jordan Paul LaBouff, Wade C. Rowatt, Megan K. Johnson, Jo-Ann Tsang & Grace McCullough Willerton (2012) Humble persons are more helpful than less humble persons: Evidence from three studies, The Journal of Positive Psychology, 7:1, 16-29.

Improve relationship quality

-Don E. Davis, Everett L Worthington Jr., Joshua N. Hook, Robert A. Emmons, Peter C. Hill, Richard A. Bollinger & Daryl R. Van Tongeren (2013) Humility and the Development and Repair of Social Bonds: Two Longitudinal Studies, Self and Identity, 12:1, 58-77.

Benjamin R. Meagher, Joseph C. Leman, Caitlyn A. Heidenga, Michala R. Ringquist & Wade C. Rowatt (2021) Intellectual humility in conversation: Distinct behavioral indicators of self and peer ratings, The Journal of Positive Psychology, 16:3, 417-429.

Promotes learning

Tenelle Porter, Karina Schumann, Diana Selmeczy, Kali Trzesniewski, Intellectual humility predicts mastery behaviors when learning, Learning and Individual Differences, Volume 80, 2020.

INTEGRITY: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness


Promotes mental and physical health

-Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska, Piotr Bialowolski, Ryan M. Niemiec.(2021), Being good, doing good: The role of honesty and integrity for health, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 291.

-Christopher Peterson, Willibald Ruch, Ursula Beermann, Nansook Park & Martin E. P. Seligman (2007), Strengths of character, orientations to happiness, and life satisfaction, The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2:3, 149-156

-Schueller, S. M., & Parks, A. C. (2014). The science of self-help: Translating positive psychology research into increased individual happiness. European Psychologist, 19(2), 145–155.

-Schutte, N. S., & Malouff, J. M. (2019). The impact of signature character strengths interventions: A meta-analysis. Journal of Happiness Studies: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Subjective Well-Being, 20(4), 1179–1196.

Seligman, M. E. P., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Interventions. American Psychologist, 60(5), 410–421.

Proposed to increase happiness

-Aristotle (1925) The Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford University Press, Oxford).

Buffer against the negative impact of adversities

-VanderWeele, J Tyler, (2017), On the Promotion of Human Flourishing”, Perspective, Social Sciences, 114(31), 8148-8156

Improvement in task performance and work satisfaction
-Pang, Dandan & Ruch, Willibald. (2019). Fusing character strengths and mindfulness interventions: Benefits for job satisfaction and performance. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 24. 150-162.

JOURNEY: the collection of experiences over the course of life often involving self-discovery, reflection, or learning

The research below cites acceptance research which we assert your journey is a part of.


Reduces Anxiety and depressive symptoms

-Bussell VA, & Naus MJ (2010). A longitudinal investigation of coping and posttraumatic growth in breast cancer survivors. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28, 61–78.

-Andrew T. Gloster, Noemi Walder, Michael E. Levin, Michael P. Twohig, Maria Karekla (2020),” The empirical status of acceptance and commitment therapy: A review of meta-analyses”, Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science,18, 181-19.

-Peters M, Goedendorp M, Verhagen S, van der Graaf WTA, & Bleijenberg G (2014). Exploring the contribution of psychosocial factors to fatigue in patients with advanced incurable cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 23, 773–779. 

Linked to greater sense of happiness

-Hanson, R; 2009; Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom; New Harbinger Publications; Oakland, CA.

May become more mindful

-Williams, M; Teasdale, J; Segal, Z; Kabat-Zinn, J; 2007; The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness; The Guilford Press; New York, NY.

Fosters sense of connectedness

-S.M. Graham, J.Y. Huang, M.S. Clark, V.S. Helgeson (2008), V Psychology Bulletin, 34 (3) (pp. 394-406.

-E.L. Deci, R.M. Ryan Autonomy and need satisfaction in close relationships: Relationships motivation theory Human motivation and interpersonal relationships, Springer, Dordrecht (2014), pp. 53-73.

Improves the feeling that people are being themselves

-M.F. Lynch, J.G. La Guardia, R.M. Ryan On being yourself in different cultures: Ideal and actual self-concept, autonomy support, and well-being in China, Russia, and the United States The Journal of Positive Psychology, 4 (4) (2009), pp. 290-304.

PERFECTION: freedom from fault or defect: flawlessness 

RUMINATION: repetitive thinking or dwelling on negative feelings and distress and their causes and consequences

Collapsible content

I AM ENOUGH: a general fondness, love and acceptance for oneself


Promotes healthy psychological well

-Fields EC, Kuperberg GR. Loving yourself more than your neighbor: ERPs reveal online effects of a self-positivity bias. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2015 Sep;10(9):1202-9.

-Beck AT, Rush AJ, Shaw BF, Emery G. Cognitive Therapy of Depression. New York: Guilford Press; 1979.

-Shestyuk AY, Deldin PJ. Automatic and strategic representation of the self in major depression: trait and state abnormalities. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2010;167(5):536–44.

-Goldin PR, Jazaieri H, Ziv M, Kraemer H, Heimberg RG, Gross JJ. Changes in positive self-views mediate the effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder. Clinical Psychological Science. 2013;1(3):301–10.

Boost self-esteem and motivation

-Taylor SE, Brown JD. Illusion and well-being: a social psychological perspective on mental health. Psychological Bulletin. 1988;103(2):193–210.

Associated with living longer and healthier lives

-Urcuyo, K. R., Boyers, A. E., Carver, C. S., and Antoni, M. H. (2005). Finding benefit in breast cancer: relations with personality, coping, and concurrent well-being. Psychol. Health 20, 175–192.

-Allison, P. J., Guichard, C., Fung, K., and Gilain, L. (2003). Dispositional optimism predicts survival status 1 year after diagnosis in head and neck cancer patients. J. Clin. Oncol. 21, 543–548.

-Pinquart, M., Fröhlich, C., and Silbereisen, R. K. (2007). Cancer patients' perceptions of positive and negative illness-related changes. J. Health Psychol. 12, 907–921.